Can i tell you why? "I don't want you to go, i want you to stay "
Ryan and Gwen "i don't want you to go, i want you to stay" scene:
Gwen and Ryan were sitting on Gwen's bed just talking
*"I could spend my whole life just looking at you"* as she was watching him, contemplating him
*"I could spend my whole life just being here with you"* he smiled at her
*"How you changed my life? You just came in without permission and you suddenly changed everything"* she put her hand on his cheek
*"Oh baby you were the one who changed everything in my life, i didn't even know who i was before you"* he takes her hand off his cheek and he kissed her hand softly then he kissed her cheek
*"That was sweet, just like you are"* she smiled at him
*"Well, i can't deny that"* he winked
*"Well we should stop doing this"*
*"Stop doing what?"* He paused just to started tickling her *"you mean this?"*
*"No Ryan! Stop it, you know what I'm talking about...."* she was laughing nonstop
He stopped tickling her
*"You mean stop talking about how we feel?"* He laughed
*"Yeah that, cuz talking about that makes me just fall in love with you even more"* she bit her lip
*"Well then.."* he starts kissing her as they slowly lie in bed *"for me, we can keep all night talking about it"*
then he kisses his nose and she smiles
*"What time is it?"* he asked her
She looked at her watch *"it's ten p.m, why?"*
*"Don't you think it's time for me to go?"* He raised his eyebrow but in his face it was obvious that he didn't want to leave
*"No way! I don't want you to go"* she looked right into his eye with that puppy face
*"What are you saying Gwen?"* looking at her, he was lying next to her in bed holding her hand
*"That I want you to stay, here with me"* she seemed pretty sure of what she was saying
*"What are your parents gonna say about that?"* He smirked
*"They don't have to know"* she smirked back at him and then winked
*"okay miss Taylor, so you want me to spend the night with you without your parents knowing"* he was teasing her *"sounds perfect to me"*
*"Besides they're not home they're out in some trip"* she kisses him, he kisses her back
Afterwards, they were asleep holding each other and they spend the whole night like that
In the morning Ryan wakes up and looks at her, she was in front of him he watches her as she continues being asleep, after like three minutes he kisses her front and she wakes up feeling his touch
*"That's the best way to wake someone up"* she smiled then opened her eyes and look at him
*"Ryan"* she said
*"I love how my name mixed your voice"* he smiled while he was touching her hair
*"And i love when you say my name"* she sighed
*"Gwen"* he smiled
*"Just like that"*
They look deep into each other as they share a Passionate kiss
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