Gwen Meets Owen Scene:
Gwen was at the bar with Ashley they were drinking a cocktail
When suddenly some guy sits next to Gwen
*"Hey beautiful, don't you wanna dance?"* He extended his hand to her
*"With you?"* She asked although it was obvious
*"Yeah of course, what do you say?"* He smirked
Gwen looked at Ashley and Ashley mouthed "go"
*"Yeah, sure"* she took his hand
They went to the dance floor and they started dancing
*"It's incredible that i Haven't met you before"* while dancing
*"Why? Are you always around here?"* She asked while dancing
*"Sometimes, i just... you look so interesting"* he smiled
*"Well..."* She sighed *"if you say so"*
*"Would you go out with me?"* He asked
*"i don't know, i just i'm not ready to date right now"*
*"Sure i understand that, was really fun dancing with you, What's your name btw"*
*"I'm Gwen"*
*"That's a beautiful name"* he took her hand and he kissed it
*"I'm Owen, here's my number in case you change your mind"* he handed her a piece of paper with his number written in it and he winked
*"Bye"* she said
He just smiled and left
Gwen came back to Ashley
*"So?"* Ashley asked Gwen exiting
*"He was nice"* she nodded
*"That was it?"*
*"He gave me his number"* she smiled
*"Wow, that doesn't surprise me at all he was definitely into you, now what about you?"* She asked her curious
*"I don't know, i mean he's really good looking and he's nice and he has good moves but..."* She sighed
*"But what? "*
Gwen started to think about Ryan and what he said
*"I saw you too many times at the park, you were always writing down in your diary and i thought that was idk great"*
*"I guess i just i liked to see you writing"*
His voice while saying Those words, so meaningful, were repeating in her mind endless times
*"I just...I, i don't feel we connected that much"* she force a smile
*"If you say so"* she laughed
Gwen was totally caught up thinking about Ryan
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